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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NCAA College Football 98 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-01-17 00:07:33 Views : 24160 New Stadium exhibition mode you can choose which stadium to play in. On the stadium select screen hold down L2 and R2 for random select. If you do it a couple times you should land a few new stadiums which appear after Wyoming's stadium. The stadiums include an EA stadium and a Tiburon stadium Special Teams If you beat great games mode you will be given a code to access super teams.. you enter thesecodes at the user name! COOLSITE : a couple of extra stadiums to choose from ELECTRICH : players don't have running animation... looks like electric football-? SEE FMV : adds FMV menu option to main menu FREE CAM -? SHORT QUART -? SOUND A LOT -? WHOLE POLL : The Top EA 25 now shows all team ranking ARTIST -? AUDIO -? TESTING -? REFEREE - ? JEXLAD: 73 Alabama OEDYIJ- 78 Alabama WHVCIR- 89 Alabama ZDDJOT- 92 Alabama CEVHETS- 89 Colorado VEWOJ- 96 Florida MYLQLOH- 93 Florida State RCIXRE- 96 Florida State ZOWS- 82 Georgia EIWQOH- 83 Miami WEVKIM- 87 Miami WMIXJ- 89 Miami WYGGKEP- 91 Miami ANOYSAJ- 94 Miami BSEPMAJ- 65 Michigan State KCIZRE- 91 Michigan IGSI- 83 Nebraska EGAXRIM- 91 Nebraska SNXAI- 93 Nebraska BNOYD- 94 Nebraska JNIVED- 73 Notre Dame REGRZOJ- 88 Notre Dame AGIG- 79 Ohio State HTOYOMS- 85 Oklahoma RSGPC- 94 Oregon IEEIH- 78 Penn State CCHN- 82 Penn State HREG- 85 Penn State AERE- 86 Penn State DTEL- 94 Penn State LMTE- 65 UCLA EERC- 68 USC FSYT- 79 USC TSTRAAYI- 91 Washington TIBURON- tiburon 'perfect' team (all 100's in abilities) WREHSTAEH- 86 Miami Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NCAA College Football 98 cheat codes.
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